Monday, August 8, 2016

Final Fantasy XIV - Leveling my Archer/Bard

So one of the things I've been doing lately is trying to grow all my jobs on my character just one level at a time... When I first leveled my jobs, I did them all to level 15...  The reason behind this was I figured out that in order to have the higher level jobs, you need to have 2 at a certain level.. one at level 30 and the other at 15... so I figured, if I have them all at Level 15, then I can have whatever job I'd like without trying to boost 2 jobs at the same time.


This is my Archer, I've since moved all my characters up to at least level 30 and I figured, with Tuesday around the bend (this was taken on August 1st 2016) why not level them a little bit more.., and also with the update with the Yo-Kai it's made leveling a lot easier.  

Places that weren't opened to fate grinding are overflowing with people now, one of them being me of coarse!  Here I am running around near Aleport in the Western La Nocsea... on top of the levels, my OCD has been on-going for the Yo-Kai legendary medals.  I want that mount, stupid as it looks, it's something to do!

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