Thursday, August 11, 2016

Another Day another Duty

Time for the Daily Duties on Final Fantasy 14...

This time I got the Hullbreaker Isle (hard) and Sephirot!

Speaking of Sephirot... (Sephiroth, I hate that they left the H out, you know who they're talking about, geez! ) You ever notice that Final Fantasy 14 borrows a lot... not just from previous games but from real world stuff going on, or even TV Shows?!

I see a lot of music references all the time, and one of the Fates always reminds me of the old House M.D. series... (was my favorite, so sad that it's gone!)  If you don't know what F.A.T.E. I'm talking about then you might have never done it, it does take a lot of people to complete I will admit...

It's the one called "It's not Lupus"  The Crab you have to fight is named "Cancer" but when I saw the name of the Fate, I just thought of House MD... if you've ever seen that series, you will know that Dr. House always checks for Lupus on 90% of his patients... and I swear only ONE person has ever turned up positive on that test, I was like, wow. lol. He is always doing a Spinal tap on his patients but they never turn up anything except that one...

Or how about that Fate "More than I a feeling"  I mean, come on, so cheesy but you know what they're doing!  I have to admit, the first time I ran the Library Duty over in Dravania Hinterlands, when I hit the 'giant book' I was like, no way! Demon Wall!! My whole group asked me what the heck I was talking about.

If you don't know what the Demon Wall is then you didn't play Final Fantasy 7... and if you didn't play Final Fantasy 7, you're not my friend, buddy, and I'm not your guy, friend!

Anyway... blah blah blah I move on to the Weeping City, as my Summoner....

Too bad it was a terrible run that ended shortly after it started...  See this, this is why I don't run it with my tank, they all died during the first boss with the spider Archne Eve and they blamed the people who was on the ground level, said it was there fault for not getting to the Keystones, when it was really the fault of the upper level people who didn't get the Aether...

THEN, we start coming back again to gather up and no one runs a ready check, they just decide to wack the spider... leaving our NEWLY acquired Tank (our first disconnected) and BOTH my alliance's healers OUT of the fight... and then they presume to yell at us for dying!  My whole group is like, are you people crazy? The reason we're dead is because you started the fight prematurely...

So we 'barely' win the second time around... and we get our Tank and Healers with us right?  Well... apparently people just won't stop complaining about how 'terrible' everyone is.  The ironic thing is, the people who are 'terrible' are the ones who are complaining...

Needless to say, we all die during the next fight... so contemplating how 'fun' Ozma will be, they decide to vote to Disband... oh the fun.

Well I guess I'll just try again another day because I don't have time to waste around waiting for another group... which will most likely be partied to the same people so I called it a day with that... hopefully when I go for the Weeping City again, it won't be as bad lol

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