Saturday, October 1, 2016

Final Fantasy XIV - Patch 3.4 Soul Surrender Update! 9/27/2016 **BEWARE** SPOILERS

Hurray!! So the update has finally happened, I am so psyched for this update!

The final sections of Alexander, more Hildibrand quests, a new Containment boss, New Expert Duties, and of coarse, more story line!!

The really exciting part to all this is, 3.4 is the BEGINNING of the new Expansion!!  It hasn't even been announced yet (will be in October during the Square-Enix convention!) but we're already tapping into the beginning of it.  Makes me start to think about what the Expansion will include...

And honestly, after completing the Storyline for the 3.4 update, it sounds like it's going right back to the raw problems... Garlemald Empire and Summoning

But I guess we'll see...

So in the mean time, I just want to share what I got through myself through the 3.4

And FYI, if the title wasn't good enough, again, these are all spoilers so read/look at your own risk!

So now that I've warned you all again what you're getting into...

I can finally say...

That last battle was ridiculous with the Warriors of Darkness... as you can plainly see, I failed it the first time... second time I realized I should really just hit on the healer and keep away from the others so I don't add unnecessary aggro and can complete it in the set amount of time...

And ta-da!

All better!

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