Saturday, October 1, 2016

Final Fantasy XIV - Patch 3.4 Alexander Raids


This is what worried me the most...  Alexander Raids have always been a headache to me... especially when everyone is still learning... I have patience, but there are plenty others who do not.... and they ruin it for everyone.  I mean, I understand if you have to be some place or something, but there's no reason to attack a Noob over a new Raid...

I've completed all the raids now, twice and it took a half hour on the final Alexander, The Soul Creator to get it right and finish it.  I mean, come on it's super hard, what do you expect?  There had to be at least ONE raid in this update that was near impossible to complete!

Makes you feel really good though when you finally make it through I'll tell you!!

In fact, our ending was SOOO Epic, I saved the video clip and uploaded it for everyone to see so they can see just how the raid works...

One of my favorite things, is being able to use the Limit Break 3 Tank Barrier!  I've never been able to use that EVER,  maybe  regular tank shield, but never a LB3!  And you have to get it just right, on the 5 second mark!  And it's so cool to watch, completely worth it!

So I'll have my screen shots for you all here (as you can already see) and I'll upload my video of our fight separately so you all can see for yourselves how to complete the raid!

Enjoy the fight!! Hopefully I'll be able to move on to the Savage ones soon!

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