Saturday, October 1, 2016

Final Fantasy XIV - The Great Gubal Library (Hard) Duty

This was the first Duty I decided to go for... mainly because I was already in the area to get the quest...

Looking back at it, I'm half wishing I didn't and at the same time, glad I did and got it over with.

It has far more mechanics then a normal dungeon, especially the ending boss than I'm used to...

First off, like most dungeons that go 'Hard', you go in the opposite direction than what you did the first time.

In the original Great Gubal Library, you go down towards the basement, now you're racing to the top of the highest room with the most book shelves lol

So if you're wondering about what you need to do as far as mechanics, I'll give you a few hints.

First off, make sure you avoid the AoEs at all cost.  That's really a no brainer but sometimes it's easier said than done.

The first boss you encounter will literally push you out of one AoE, and into another behind you, so you have to be prepared to run right out of it because it is QUICK.

The Second Boss has a Plus and Minus system.  One goes in, one goes out, (But don't touch the sides!) I'll let you figure out which is which, you already have the headstart now to know it's there!

Also, watch your head and the floor!  A coin will appear above it, you have to MATCH your coin to the circle on the floor.  Other than that, it's pretty easy...

The FINAL Boss is a whooolllleee other level.

This thing has ridiculous combinations and multiple things to look out for so I'll go back to the basics - AVOID AoEs

Now what you really need to focus on in the 3rd and Final Boss is what he's casting. 

I'll give you some quick labels

If he Casts

Quake ---- Levitate (Blue and White floating circle)

Imp ------- Smaller Blue Circle

Thunder -- STAY OUT OF CIRCLES (Unless you're an imp already, go back to the blue one you used to change into the Imp to change BACK into yourself, then get out of it!)

Darkness - NO CIRCLES, stay out of them!

Tornado -- Leaden (Black Circle)

IF you can follow those, you'll be fine.  Those are just the most confusing thing and I'll tell you, walking into a Duty blind sometimes is the worse thing and the best thing.  It's exciting, yet VERY annoying because you have NO idea what's going on.  But now you all do know so take that and run with it!

Enjoy The Great Gubal Library (Hard) Expert Duty!!
And earn those new Scripture Tomes!!

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