Sunday, July 31, 2016

Who am I and Why Do You Care?

Okay, Hello out there.
This might be a new blog but I'm certainly not new to gaming.

I've been playing games since the Atari and Sega came out.

I've played games like Sonic the Hedgehog, Mario, Earthworm Jim, Doom (Classic PC all the way up to the PS4 release) Crash Bandicoot, Pokemon, Megaman, Donkey Kong, Persona, Tekken, Katamari, White Knight Chronicles, God of War, Destiny, Fall Out, Elder Scrolls (all of them including Skyrim and online), Assassin's Creed, and of coarse my all time favorite series, Final Fantasy and sooooo many more.

If you name a game, I've probably played it.  Maybe I didn't enjoy it, but I made it a point to play and finish it.  After all, if you're going to pay money for something, (especially the amount games cost now a days) you better get your money's worth.

If you haven't already been able to tell, I prefer the RPG and MMORPG genre above all games, I'll try the others here and there, but they better be good before I pay for them to come home with me.

I'm starting this blog to talk about my gaming experiences because I know, like a lot of you, you've had times where you've gotten stuck and wanted to know where you go from here, what are other people doing etc etc etc....

Like, for example, I've lost Nick Valentine on more than one occasion in Fallout 4... it drives me bonkers to lose a companion because Bethesda hasn't put in a patch to find them yet!  You'd think they'd do this already with all the complaints, but nooo, they just expect you to figure it out... if you're lucky and have been playing this game on the PC it's a heck of a lot easier to find him, type in a code (with a terrible risk of corrupting your game) and bam, there he is! unfortunately for console players, you have to manually search that vast wasteland to find him!

I've been literally searching for 2 hours with my husband in every known corner we can think of for him, and still nothing!  He's not with Piper at her place, or in Good Neighbor, he's not in Sanctuary (which I swear we sent him), we even checked all the roofs to see if he was stuck to find nothing.  So disappointing!  Oh well, if I find him, you'll be sure I'll blog about where he was! lol

Another example is Final Fantasy 14, one of my games I've been playing for a year, almost on a daily basis, kind of my home away from home... It has updates ALL the time, which I think is absolutely awesome, what better way to get your money's worth of a game, then one that consistently provides new story-line, better weapons and armor, new areas to explore and meet new people without spending anything for the updates! (aside from the major expansions that is). 

Sure you have to pay an online fee to play, but it's completely worth it.  6 months of online time (plus that free time bonus it releases now and again (for $60)  Most games are $60 and kids and adults now a days spend $60 a month for the new game, I'd rather spend that $60 for 6 months of gameplay, especially when it has daily bonuses and new content constantly.  I'm currently waiting for the release of the 3.4 update and the announcement of the new expansion during their convention this year in October.  I'm thinking the expansion is going to have to do with that island all the new characters keep referring to, you know, the one that was taken over by the Empire and wiped out?  I'm also waiting for that 3.4 update to get the final raid dungeon!  I hope they release it then, I can't wait to see what the new armor will be!

And can you imagine if they do new tomes?  AGAIN?  I just finished nearly maxing out the Lores, I'm sure I'd be excited for new tomes, but it hardly makes it seem worth it sometimes when you gather so many on a weekly basis just to have them replaced with something else you have to work your butt off for, bah!

But enough about that....

I will admit, I'm not a TOTAL game freak, I love my games but my family comes first.  I'm a mom of 3 kids, that's right, I'm a GIRL that plays games, get over it, and my primary focus is my kids.... But, as a normal person, I need my 'ME' time, as everyone does, and sometimes going 'out' isn't an option.

I run a home business, take care of my 3 kids, and my home, and then I turn on the console when I find the time in between what I need to do and what I 'want' to do.  Kids come first!

That being said, I used to be a total game freak before my kids came along, I played, I collected, I researched and I played some more.  I used to play Anarchy Online while playing Final Fantasy 11 on the PS2 all night long, I played Final Fantasy 7 until I figured out the meaning to everything and memorized where every treasure chest and hidden item was along with every ultimate weapon and 4th Limit Break.  I still have the song memorized on Tifa's piano and figured out tricks of GP games and I have Gold Chocobos all at S Rank all filling my stables, (loved the breeding/raising chocobo's in Final Fantasy 7, my absolute favorite part along with dressing Cloud up like a girl bahahaha). 

I know all the Asssassin's names and backstories and can't WAIT for the movie to come out with Michael Fassbender this year!  I was sad about losing Desmond, I enjoyed the 'now' stories up until then, now I'm more like wanting to jump into the Assassin again and look for the pieces of Eden instead of dealing with Abstergo, yuck.  The Fallout series and Elder Scrolls are just... one of the best games, to be able to see across the map at a mountain or something floating in the area and being able to go there, is awesome, the traveling and exploring is... never ending.  People can say they've done everything and gone everywhere... but the only way they're doing that is if they live in their mom's basement and they don't have a job because there's literally, that much to do.

There's just so much to talk about in each game that I want to share my experiences with you, and when I get stuck and figure something out, I hope it will help you all in the future, and if you have a question, I'll be here to answer it for you! If I can't, then someone here might be able to answer it for you too!

I'm here to tell you that you can be a gamer, and have a LIFE too.  People who say video games are for losers, are just people who never understood or played one.  There is no shame and having a little time to yourself to enjoy yourself.  You don't have to be glued to the screen to finish a game either, you can have your time to the game and go to work feeling refreshed after a good night's rest... or maybe you have a few days off and want to spend a night grinding levels (like I do sometimes lol)  You just better be prepared to answer your kids in the morning if you have one, two or more, parenting doesn't take a day off remember that!

And hey, you can include your kids sometimes too, like in Minecraft (love it, who doesn't?) and Katamari, those are fun games, come on, they're hysterically funny 90% of the time, who doesn't want to go, AH lava! or omg I rolled up a firework!!

So enjoy yourself, and hopefully through your reading with me, I'll help you too.

Enjoy yourselves! It's entertainment, that's what games were made for! To have fun! And I'll talk to you all later!

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